Welcome to Ward Solicitors
From Our Blog
Unbundled Legal Services: Putting You in Control: We understand that legal matters can be complex, intimidating and expensive. That’s why we offer unbundled legal services, a flexible approach that puts you in the driver’s seat.
With unbundled services, you can choose which aspects of your case you want us to handle, while retaining control over the rest.
This means you can access our expertise for specific tasks, whether it’s legal advice, document preparation, or representation in court, all without committing to full-scale representation.
It’s a cost-effective way to get the legal help you need while tailoring our services to fit your unique situation. At our firm, we’re here to empower you with choices, ensuring that your legal journey is as manageable and affordable as possible.
Property Settlement: The end of a marriage or de facto relationship, requires fair division of assets and liabilities, superannuation and financial resources.
Divorce: We offer support throughout the divorce process.
Domestic violence applications need to be specific in order to satisfy the court that it meets the legal test. We can help you with your application, your response or to prepare an affidavit to support your case.
Criminal law: Understanding your options to defend a charge or plead guilty. We can help you to write to the police to argue that they should drop or change the charges against you.
Work licence: If you have lost your drivers licence due to drink driving, you may be eligible for a work licence.
Special hardship order: If you have lost your licence due to demerit points, you may be eligible for a special hardship licence. We can help you by preparing the court documents for these applications.
We can advise you of your rights and advocate for you if you have been treated unfairly. We can help you to apply to the Fair Work Commission, the Federal Circuit Court, the Queensland Human Rights Commission or the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission. We can help you to apply for guardianship in relation to a friend or relative or to raise concerns about a current guardian.
We assist clients in resolving consumer disputes and civil matters, striving for equitable resolutions through negotiation or litigation
About Us
Jonathan Ward is the Principal Lawyer of Ward Solicitors. With experience in the courtroom and a knack for effective advocacy, he’s the lawyer you want on your side.
Jonathan’s decade and a half experience in Community Legal Centres has given him a unique perspective on the legal world. He’s tackled criminal law, domestic violence, family matters, and more. But what sets him apart is his commitment to making the law accessible to everyone.
Whether you’re facing a legal challenge or just need some guidance, Ward Solicitors is here to help. We’re your friendly neighborhood law firm, ready to fight for your rights with a smile. The law doesn’t have to be intimidating – we believe in delivering legal help in a simple and down-to-earth manner.
07 55915440
Jonathan really got the situation. He understood where we were coming from. We never would have got such a good result without him.
Gold Coast